Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Filled To The Brim With Garbage

Our society has slowly eliminated the
"Is the glass half empty or half full?" analogy.
Since we are totally affixed to the on-line,
blogging, cable TV world, we are always
being filled to the brim with garbage.
We as individuals must engage in a mental
battle to keep our glasses overflowing with
good, positive and uplifting thoughts.

We truly are the artist of our own future.
And it starts with what we are thinking.
And to fully have a successfully fulfilled
life we must have Next Level Thinking.

If you would like to hear this in audio form go to:

Thursday, January 12, 2012

No Matter What!

I find it remarkable how much power
we give negative words spoken to us.
We ought not to do that. We cannot
change how others feel or think of us.
Next level thinking focuses on the goal
you have for yourself. No matter how
big or small the goal, you cannot let
negative words decide your future. Yes,
you may need change some kind of
personality trait. You may need to learn
how to be more assertive or learn how
to deal with anger better. But you must
see yourself as the person you want to
become. At all cost you must not accept
the negativity spoken to you. The bible says,
I have set before you life and death,
the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life,
that you and your descendants may live.”
The words you choose to accept determine
if you choose life or death.

Believe In Yourself 
And in your dream
though impossible things may seem,
Someday, somehow you'll get through
to the goal you have in view.
Mountains fall and seas divide before 
the one who in his stride
Takes a hard road day by day
sweeping obstacles away.
Believe in yourself and in your plan.
Say not - I cannot but, I can.
The prizes of life we fail to win,
Because we doubt the power within.

Author Unknown

Decide today to choose life
and be who want to become.
Not just for you but also
your descendants.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

Think Of The Good Things

Unproductive Thoughts

Next level thinking will cause you to check
your every thought and take it captive until
you clear it with a very high set of standards.
This can be exhausting at times but very rewarding.

Some things change as you learn to take every
thought through your set of standards.
  • 1.     You notice change in yourself
  • 2.     You see the world differently 
  • 3.     You notice more negative and unproductive
          language in our society.
For us to reach higher levels of thinking, we must
do all we can to prevent the negative and unproductive
thoughts to settle in our minds or we will daily face
the consequences of an unfulfilled calling.