Thursday, December 22, 2011

Next Level Thinking

Here are a few thoughts to 
help you start your day.

+ Think up, not down.
+ Think on things above, not below
+ We are kings and priest.
   So think like it.
+ Set yourself apart
   starting with your thinking.
+ As a man thinks,
   so is he.
+ Never think the glass is half full.
   Think of it as over flowing.
+ Make yourself have
   Next Level Thinking.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Are You Flippin Crazy?

The age old question is,
“Is your glass half empty
or half full?”
How are you answering?
Be careful. The way you answer
may determine if you are a
negative or a positive person.
Are You Flippin Crazy?
Both answers are negative!
You heard me right.  If the glass
isn’t completely full, it doesn’t matter
how you look at it. It’s not full!
In addition, the glass may be a
reflection of ourselves. If so, we can
take action to fill the glass up. A full
glass will help more people. So if you
are half empty then start filling yourself
up with positive stuff. Read good positive
books. Listen to uplifting music. Stop
repeating negative thoughts. And by the way,
to much TV will dehydrate your positive-ness.
Especially that reality crap.
Start filling your glass up today and soon
you will be saying, “My glass is over flowing!”


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

You Are Not Your Past

Paul was a greedy thief. He was
Bounty hunter paid to find Christians
and take them to prison. Because
of his testimony against them,
they would be executed.
He personally had the Apostle
Stephen killed. The scales of
injustice weighed heavily against
him, yet, after his conversion, he wrote,
“THEREFORE, [there is] now no
condemnation (no adjudging guilty
of wrong) for those who are in
Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not
after the dictates of the flesh, but after
the dictates of the Spirit.
I’m sure Paul was tempted to not write
the letters he did because of his past.
What if he gave in to that temptation?
What if he decided to live in his past
and not look toward the promise of his
future? How much of the bible would not
have been written?

"Next Level Thinking" requires us to look toward
a brighter future and leaving the negative past 
in the past.
What if you stop believing that you
are still condemned? What if you believed,
fully, in God’s redemption for your life?
What would you accomplish?
What if?


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Merry Holiday?!?

I'm sick of it! I'm sick of the whole 
"Happy Holiday" verses "Merry Christmas" BS. 
I say "Merry Christmas" to one cashier
and they choke a little, while saying "Happy Holiday".
What holiday are we happy about, I respond.
Another cashier responds with, "you too". 
Say that to your spouse after they say, "I love you".
Who, by the way, is offended with "Merry Christmas"?
Did these people grow up not celebrating
Christmas? I think they are still angry that they 
didn't get the toy they always wanted from Santa.
By the way, why is it ok to celebrate Santa and 
not Christmas? Santa is nothing without Christmas!
Everybody knows the plump, jolly, white-bearded 
man wearing a red coat with white collar and cuffs, 
white-cuffed red trousers, and black leather belt and boots
is Santa Clause. And he isn't here for some un-named 
holiday. He's here because of Christmas! Trying to 
change the name of Christmas doesn’t change
the meaning. It’s about the gift of life given to us by our creator.
And to that I say, MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Everyday Gifts

Dreams and desires that we have 
in us are our destiny's waiting and
wanting to be reached. My belief 
is these dreams and desires are given 
from God with the intention of us 
fighting to fulfill them. They are unopened 
gifts that we should rip open with full 
anticipation and excitement as a kid opening 
gifts on Christmas day.

Seize this day!
Seize the summit!
