Paul was a greedy thief. He was
Bounty hunter paid to find Christians
and take them to prison. Because
of his testimony against them,
they would be executed.
He personally had the Apostle
Stephen killed. The scales of
injustice weighed heavily against
him, yet, after his conversion, he wrote,
“THEREFORE, [there is] now no
condemnation (no adjudging guilty
of wrong) for those who are in
Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not
after the dictates of the flesh, but after
the dictates of the Spirit.”
I’m sure Paul was tempted to not write
the letters he did because of his past.
What if he gave in to that temptation?
What if he decided to live in his past
and not look toward the promise of his
future? How much of the bible would not
have been written?
"Next Level Thinking" requires us to look toward
a brighter future and leaving the negative past
in the past.
What if you stop believing that you
are still condemned? What if you believed,
fully, in God’s redemption for your life?
What would you accomplish?
What if?